About Us

About the therapist

Bethany graduated from the University of Colorado, Denver in 2008 with a degree in Psychology, and finished her Master’s degree in Counseling at Denver Seminary in 2010. Bethany is a certified Prepare-Enrich and CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) counselor.

Bethany has been working therapeutically with children, youth, and families with social, emotional, and behavioral problems in the Denver Metro Area in both school and clinical settings. She truly believes that healing and working toward a healthy lifestyle is a courageous task, and she is honored to help anyone who desires to move in that direction. Bethany sees overall wellness in a holistic regard because well-being is dependent upon the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life as each of these areas constantly intertwine. Bethany seeks to help foster self-concepts, positive body images, and healthy relationships in children, adolescents and adults.

Why do people seek counseling?

People pursue counseling for a variety of reasons. Although, many individuals seek counseling because they feel that they have tried to work through their issues on their own for a long time, and have been unable to overcome the things that are causing them trouble.

Counseling can prove to be beneficial for all children and adolescents going through any kind of adjustment or difficult time in their life. Even those who appear to be handling their feelings in a healthy and healing way may need some additional support. However, counseling is especially important for those children whose behavior, attitude or outlook seems to be disrupting their lives. Things to look for in your child:

  • Behavioral changes
  • Feelings of emptiness, or a lack of support, direction, motivation, or trust in others
  • Excessive worry
  • An inability to express feelings in an appropriate way
  • Social problems- hard time interacting with peers appropriately
  • Problem solving issues
  • Low self-esteem